Let it Begin with Kindermusik
Level 1- Babies to 18mths
Level 2 -18mths to 3.5yrs
Level 3 - 3 to 5 years
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Enrolment 2025 - Term 1
* Required fields
Name *
E-mail Address *
Child's Name *
Address *
Suburb *
Postcode *
Home Number *
Mobile Number
Health concerns or special needs you may like us to be aware of
How did you find out about us? *
Word of Mouth
Internet Advertising
If a friend or relative referred you please let us know who they are so we can thank them!
MENAI - Choose your preferred Day/Time - Please check Timetable
Select Age Group
0 to 18mths - Friday 11.30am
18mth to 4yrs - Friday 10.30am
3 to 5yrs - Friday 9.30am Express Interest
MIRANDA - Choose your preferred Day/Time - Please check Timetable
Select Age Group
18mths to 4 yrs - Wednesday 9.30am
0 to 18mths - Wednesday 10.30am
0 to 18mths - Wednesday 11.30am
PADSTOW - Choose your preferred Day/Time - Please check Timetable
Select Age Group
Tuesday - 18mths to 4yrs 10.30am
Tuesday - 3 to 5yrs 9.30am - EOI
Tuesday - 0 to 18mths 11.30am
If None of the Days or times listed suit please advise preferred times
Promo Code
Do you give permission for images/video of your child to be used for promotions in any media form *
I have Read and Agree to the Policies *
I have read and agree to the
Privacy Policy
Thankyou for enroling with us it is a priviledge to have you in our classes